Partners of Promise
Business, Alumni and Friends of Promise support the University by giving a monthly or an annually contribution as follows in one calendar year.
Partners of Promise s - up to $499
Blue and Gold Partners - $500 - $999
President's Circle - $1000 - $4999
Legacy - $5000 or more.
New: You can give using Zelle send to 626.827.6405 and become a partner of Promise Christian University today!
Thank you to World for Jesus International our Parent Church and covering
Pastors Network of Churches
Jesus is Lord Church Worldwide
Mighty Dove Global Ministries
Pentecostal Assemblies of God of America
Living Rock Church,
Faith in Christ Church South Bay
Community Christian Center of Covina
Imani Cathedral of San Bernardino
Jesus the Healer Church, New Jersey
Lamb of God Church, Honolulu
World Holy Spirit Ministry, Korea
Latter Rain Ministries, Malaysia
and the many Partners of Promise and Alumni of Promise Christian University
Endowment Giving
If Promise Christian University has been a blessing to you, as a friend, alumnus, church leader, why not include Promise in your will or living trust. You can create a legacy that will continue to touch lives and raise up men and women for the ministry and the marketplace.
Special Giving​
Builders Fund for the Future $ 5,000,000
(Accreditation and New Permanent Location)
Contact us for more information:

Director of Development
970 S. Village Oaks Dr. #201
Covina, CA 91724
626.657-8003 Fax
Promise Christian University is the training school of World for Jesus International Christian Center for Pastors and Christian Workers and denominational members of the Pastors Network International.
Workl for Jesus International is a 501 (3) c religious exempt organization and Promise Christian University is
a religious exempt educational institution under the Bureau of Private Post Secondary Education in Sacramento, CA.
Established in 2002 in the State of California - Promise Christian University has graduates working in 21 nations.