Jesus said, "Go ye unto all the world and preach, the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 World for Jesus International Ministries established in 1982 has taken up that challenge and through the various outreaches of this ministry has raised others to do the same. It is not about mega organizations, it is about Jesus Christ, Him crucified! Twelve people changed the world!
World for Jesus
School of Ministry
What is your
Many people, even ordained ministers of the gospel wander in life, wondering what am I here for? What is my real purpose for being born? We have come to realize that nothing happens by accident. When you heard the MASTER call, something within you responded. You didn't know why, but it was like you were coming home!
If you need direction, WORLD FOR JESUS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES may be the answer.

stop holding the fort...
If you are nearing the age of retirement, or if you are just getting started in ministry, we want you to know that sooner you discover God's plan for your life, the sooner you will feel that satisfaction that only comes through a close and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
If you are searching the place to be is Promise Christian University. Take a class on Old or New Testament and discover things you never realized before. Or, take a certficate program in Chaplaincy or the Media and Ministry and see what hands on presenations look like.
We believe that everyone is called to be a minister whether someone who is in the marketplace 40 hours a week, with your mission field as your job or business; or whether you are really called to leave home and go to the nations to minister God;s word.
It takes a time of preparation. It is good if you have a mentor who will help you prepare spiritually for the task and who will continue to pray for you while you are on your mission.
World for Jesus International has the task of reaching the World for Jesus Christ before He comes again!
Join our team and you will be part of men and women who are empacting the world for Jesus.
World for Jesus TV
Your Spiritual gift.
Take the Spiritual Gift test online and find out what your gifts are today! After you complete your education at Promise Christian University take it again and you will see the difference it makes when you understand the calling and ministry God has placed upon your life!
For more information:
Promise Christian University
My son Michael, We rejoice that God, in His plan and timing, use you mightily. As a son in the gospel, I commission you to be prepared in season and to preach the gospel, the uncompimised Word of truth that lives in your spirit. Dr. Morris Cerullo, World Evangelism
As a pastor Dr. McKinney has shown deep understanding, care and warmth of heart, combined with wisdom and the maintenance of Scriptural standards. Late John Warren, TCCM
Dr. McKinney ministers the Word in simplicity and clarity...yet with an anointing that brings spiritual results. Michael Wourms, Pres. Christian Book Network
Heading 6
Dr. McKinney is a respected leader in our community and across the world, where he reaches many nations with his message of hope.
David Truax, Former Mayor of Covina
This is to introduce my friend. Dr. McKinney is a man of integrity, fervently in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and carries a great burden for the lost." Late Howard P. Courtney
Bro and Sis. McKinney I have known them for a number of years and I have knowned them to be true Christians, with a real experience in and with the Lord Jesus Christ. Late Rev. Loren Sechrist, CEA
Meet Dr. MIke & Dr. Adelle
Celebrating 58 Years in Ministry and 45 Years in International Evangelism
World for Jesus Covina
970 Village Oaks Dr. #201,
Covina, CA 91724
11:30 am Sundays