Dr. Michael McKinney, Founder

Welcome to the World for Jesus International Ministers Fellowship
In 1980, while worshiping the Lord at a missionary conference, I experienced a supernatural vision from the Lord. As if slides were being flashed across the skies, I saw people of all races, colors and creeds with hands uplifted giving praise to the Lord. I saw Asians for Jesus, Africans for Jesus, Latin Americans for Jesus, Europeans for Jesus...the World for Jesus.
In 1982 at our 2nd Annual conference in Honolulu, Hawaii we hosted national pastors from all over the world. The theme of our conference was, "World for Jesus." The Lord birth this vision into our hearts. In 1984 the World for Jesus Convention brought in pastors from all over the world. In 1988 the World for Jesus International Fellowship was officially incorporated in the state of California.
In my heart, I still could not get away from the original vision the Lord gave to me. And as we enlarged our borders with the founding of our Seminary and the World for Jesus International Christian Center, fellow pastors began approaching me asking to become a part of this ministry.
In August 2000, the Board of Directors of the World for Jesus International Christian Center and Ministries announced the official formation of the World for Jesus International Fellowship, composed of men and women who’s mission in ministry is "reach the world for Jesus Christ" and "to encourage, uplift and equip" the body of Christ worldwide.
In 2002, Promise Christian University was born and now is the center of our activities for raising up Christian leaders for the 21st Century.
It is my desire that this association will be used to ignite and inspire godly men and women to pursue the vision and dreams the Lord has given them and to work together to gather in the last day end time harvest before Jesus comes.
World for Jesus International Fellowship
World for Jesus Fellowship
P.O. Box 3003
Covina, CA 91722
Phone: 626-657-8003 #7
Fax: 626-657-8003