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To bring world leaders and academicians to harmoniously discuss the innovative and successful methodologies of their fields.  Our vision is that those gathered will be inspired and equipped to serve with excellence and godly integrity and consequently, transforming their spheres of influence for the Kingdom of God. 



The foundation and platform that we want to establish and build upon in this conference is based on Authentic Godly Leadership that is found in the scriptures.  Of some 1,000 known leaders in the Bible only 50% of them have enough information to know how they began and how they ended.  Our purpose is His purpose and our goal is to finish well.


We are the light to our nations.  We are the salt to our colleagues.  We are the Ministry of His Presence, wherever we are.  If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. (John 12:26)


Leadership is the foundation of governance.  If the leadership is good, the people will rejoice.  If the leadership is evil and corrupt the people will mourn.  When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Prov. 29:2


God as ordained you for such a time as this.  Please watch Dr. Moussa Bongoyok's short clip as he shares the vision for the Promise Governance Institute at Promise Christian University.



(c) 2021 Promise Governance Institute of Promise Christian University
970 S. Village Oaks Dr. #201, Covina, CA 91724
a ministry of World for Jesus International a 501 (c) (3) religious exempt institution., 

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